Pavlo Kolotvin
PhD in political science
Erasmus Mundus BMU-MID doctorate program (2012-2014)
The Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program 2019-2020 (diploma with honors)

Head of NGO Institute of political information (Odesa)

Founder: (@I_vote_bot in Telegram)

Project coordinator:
Infocrime Odesa

Centrum Analiz Propagandy i Dezinformacji (Warszawa)
Institute of mass information (Kyiv)

A brief summary of the research

New approaches to the study and detection of fakes and disinformation in the intermarry region in eastern and central Europe (Poland, Ukraine) and the United States. The impact of this propaganda on relations between these states and methods of counteraction.

- Each country has its special features. In Poland, these trends are related to the migration crisis and Russia's hybrid aggression through Belarus.

- In Ukraine, fakes and misinformation have been able to enter the country's information space quite deeply.

- The methods of influence on Poland and Ukraine by propagandists are different because Poland is a member of NATO.

- Ukraine has different statuses in cooperation with NATO and Western allies, but none of them guarantees security. Accordingly, Russian aggression also has a physical component.

- But in the middle of the United States, Russian's and its allies' propaganda has penetrated quite successfully without any restrictions, and it's important to control and understand its ultimate goal.

- Specialists and government institutions in Poland and Ukraine do not have full information about the existence of certain fakes and stereotypes in the United States about Poland and Ukraine, especially among ordinary people.

- In my opinion, it is based on the desire to impose on American society the need to stop supporting Poland. Disinformation campaigns attack Polish 'undemocratic reforms' in recent years and picture Ukraine as a 'failed state'. But there is no general understanding of these processes and, therefore, I believe that this may be a relevant study with a strong outcome.
The results of the study will make it possible to understand what narratives about Poland and Ukraine currently exist in the United States, what fakes have penetrated American society about our countries, and together with experts from the United States, we will formulate recommendations to reduce the impact of this information on our society.

Within the framework of the Kosciuszko program, I also plan to implement all the acquired knowledge and contacts to improve my work and increase the influence of our organization on the social and political processes in Ukraine and Poland. I often communicate with representatives of various organizations from the US and such an experience would boost my professional development.

Also, this project will help me collect information for further habilitation and development in this area, improve the results of my projects, as well as the development of the country.

How I will do that
The method of interviewing
To obtain information about the impact of anti-Polish and anti-Ukrainian propaganda on Americans
The method of content analysis
To identify such news in local and national media, social networks
The method of comparison
The method will be useful during measuring the impact of such information on Americans, Poles and Ukrainians.
Why I can do that
Every research project in my work ends up with practical usage of the obtained results.
Erasmus Mundus BMU-MID doctorate program
In 2014 my doctoral thesis on the impact of new media on the development of democracy in Ukraine, Poland, EU was completed in Pultusk with a research adviser from UW. I put my research into practice. I created an NGO in Ukraine (IPI) which is engaged in research in the field of media and innovations in processes of democratization. I have worked at the University for 3 years.
The Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program (diploma with honors)
I took part in the Kirkland Program, where I made a study of the impact of social media messengers on political processes in Ukraine, Poland and Belarus. Six months before the revolution in Belarus, it was indicated that the Telegram will become a major platform for the opposition to coordinate its resistance.
Fact-checking project Infocrime in Ukraine (with the support of Thomson Reuteurs foundation)
The acquired skills contributed to the implementation of the fact-checking project
Centrum Analiz Propagandy i Dezinformacji (Warszawa)
The practical part of the Kirkland program took place in Warsaw at the Center for Analysis of Propaganda and Disinformation. As a result, a report on information manipulation about Poland in the Russian media was prepared. Till this time I am analyst if this organisation.